
Showing posts with the label books on astrology

astrology books, books on astrology, books astrology, books on astrology

books on astrology to buy, find out which ones are the best! books on astrology - "birthdays stars and numbers" This is one of my favourite astrology books in my collection. I check it atleast once a week for compatible love match dates and just to read more about my personality. It is so bang on! It even has information about your own "personal star" in the heavens....which I find to be so accurate interms of the information...its almost scary! This book is written by two authors so you will get your moneys worth...and in the beginning its got lucky numbers too. books on astrology - "karmic astrology" Now I am giving a special heads up about these astrology books I am about to tell you about. Incase you dont already know I have been studying and applying astrology to my life for about 14 years now...and in all that time I have never come accross such an important and cool set of books as these...they are called "karmic astrology!" Intregued...?