
Showing posts with the label meaning jupiter

Meaning of Jupiter, Jupiter Astrology, Planet Jupiter

Jupiter is your outlook/approach to life Jupiter in any astrology chart and its house location, shows the subjects outlook on life. Some people approach life in a spiritual sense, (ninth house Jupiter) some people approach life more practical,(10th house Jupiter) some people are very dependent on others,(7th house Jupiter) while some people are more independent (1st House Jupiter)All in all if you know the location of your Jupiter, and understand what this placement means, you will have greater insight into your beliefs and gain a greater understanding of your outlook on life. Jupiter is the challenge you present in your relationship Jupiter in astrology also represents the challenge we present to those closest to us. Are we Kings and Queens in our own minds? Are we Free spirited resisting rules and regulations? Are we restrictive and precise expecting other to live up to our own expectations. When we know the location of 2 individuals Jupiter's, we can have a sense

uranus transit 5th house, trine, jupiter in the ninth house

uranus transits 5th house, trine jupiter in 9th house: my experiences thus far uranus is in the process of transiting my fifth house ... and making a trine with my natal jupiter in the 9th house. I wanted to keep a sort of journal about that maybe others experienceing the same thing could find out what its about. Well let me tell you so far... ninth house natal jupiter... getting all the action: it seems that my natal jupiter is getting all the so far it seems a transit is just a transit (light to medium effect) unless it conjuncts one of your natal planets. Now, I say that simply becasue I havent had any love affairs as yet...but I am very picky about the type of men I date, but the "uranus creativity" is sure kicking in! Hence this website. uranus and luck... I have read that uranus can bring you luck when in the right house...and if Im not mistaken the fifth house represents gambleing. hm interesting...Mostly I have seen the "weirdness" of