
Showing posts with the label pick me up

how to pick your self up after a set back

How do you react when something unexpected happens and puts a spanner in the works? Do you turn tail and retreat into a corner to lick your wounds, or do you straighten your back, clench your fists, grit your teeth and have another go at it? Some people thrive upon challenges whilst others live in fear of them. We each have our own individual temperament and general attitude towards things which happen in life, and this is dependent upon our genes and our upbringing. The two interact to make each of us very unique. Yes, you can identify general similarities and between individuals and we each fall within certain "bands" of characteristics, but we do all have our own unique "twist". Just because you are born with a certain general characteristic does not mean that you cannot temper, change or even overcome it. We all have the ability to shape our own perceptions, expectations and our ultimate reality. This is an important fact to know, because otherwise you might jus