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love compatibility of zodiac signs, love astrology, zodiac matches

compatibility of zodiac signs...more than just your sun signs zodiac signs love compatibility is about more than just your sun sign. There are 10 planets of the zodiac Jupiter, Venus, Neptune, Mars, Pluto, Saturn, Uranus, Moon, Sun, and Mercury. All have a role to play in our personalities and our compatibility with other zodiac signs. Two people can be opposite star signs and still be compatible by way of the other planets zodiac sign placements. You may also want to read about what makes a soul mate?, according to astrology, and find out the 3 best love matches for your zodiac sign Love compatibility of zodiac fire signs: The fire signs of the zodiac are Aries Leo and Sagittarius. They are all compatible with other fire signs but are also compatible with air signs. Fire signs in astrology represent action and energy. They are generally very helpful to friends and have an abundance of opionions and life experience to share with friends and loved ones. These zodiac sign